Traffic, Transportation & Telecommunications Engineers

Welcome to JRL consulting

Trusted traffic, transportation and telecommunications engineering advice and solutions for your projects


We are a small, client focused multi-disciplinary engineering consulting firm located in Halifax, Nova Scotia.  We have over 25 years of experience in traffic, transportation and telecommunications infrastructure design and project management in Atlantic Canada.


We have completed dozens of Traffic Impact Statements, Traffic Impact Studies and Traffic Impact Assessments for clients in the Halifax Regional Municipality and throughout the Province of Nova Scotia.

We assess the potential traffic impacts of a proposed development while providing cost-effective recommendations and solutions to manage site generated traffic safely and efficiently to minimize impact on the surrounding transportation network. 

We use the latest versions of applicable traffic analysis software to ensure current and accurate results.  We have current copies of all relevant standards and guidelines from key industry associations.

Traffic Impact Study

Traffic Impact Statement

Traffic Impact Assessment

Transportation Planning

Traffic Engineering and Design

Auxiliary Lane Assessments

Site Design and Circulation

Signal Warrants

Traffic Counts

Speed Surveys

Trip Generation

Parking Studies

Traffic Calming

Traffic Signage 

Pavement Markings

Traffic Control Signals

We have designed structured cabling systems for multi-storey office towers, data centers and everything in between.  

We have a BICSI Registered Communications Distribution Designer (RCDD) on staff.  

We are committed to promoting cabling standards, policies and best practices to provide innovative, cost-effective cabling solutions that exceed client's expectations.  We work with you to design a structured cabling system that meets your needs of today while providing capacity for future growth as your business strategies evolve.

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